‘Tweener’ Rejections

‘Tweener’ Rejections

Let’s explore some of those ubiquitous rejection letters that even internationally published novelists see frequently. A senior editor from a prestigious publishing house in London said this about an early draft of my manuscript, THE SABBATH EXPERIMENT. “This has a...
15 Tips for Successful Writing Groups

15 Tips for Successful Writing Groups

Maybe you’re not as good a writer as you think you are. It’s true. We tend to fall in love with our own writing, blinded to our imperfect technique. How do you know? Join a writing group and get feedback – lots of it. Writers at every stage of their careers from...
Romance in Thrillers?

Romance in Thrillers?

An avid thriller reader who is working on a first novel asked, “Isn’t it difficult working deep characterization and good romance into thrillers?” Difficult, maybe. Impossible, no. Essential, absolutely! Interesting relationships among characters are a fundamental...
Digging for a Story

Digging for a Story

Thriller and mystery plots are all around us. Imagine what a good mystery writer could do with something I heard this morning. The grandmother of a friend died recently and was buried in a family plot in a Mississippi graveyard that was quite old. During the...
Fashion Your Own Reality

Fashion Your Own Reality

In the not-to-distant future, your state of mind may determine the music you hear. Scott Wilkinson’s essay about quantum music experiments blew my mind (“Got QUALMS?” – Electronic Musician). It’s true. In experiments, the sound and perception of the same piece...